"Do you want the truth or something beautiful?"
"Just close your eyes and make belief
Do you want the truth or something beautiful
I am happy to decieve you..."
I don't have to close my eyes to se the beauty. Paloma Faith don't just make awesome music, she has one of the most amazing styles of any pop-star, no deceiving needed...
Check out Paloma Faith on Spotify ♥

Läs även andra bloggares åsikter om Paloma Faith, Musik, Mode
Do you want the truth or something beautiful
I am happy to decieve you..."
I don't have to close my eyes to se the beauty. Paloma Faith don't just make awesome music, she has one of the most amazing styles of any pop-star, no deceiving needed...
Check out Paloma Faith on Spotify ♥

Läs även andra bloggares åsikter om Paloma Faith, Musik, Mode