Hi, my name is Alice...
My favorite place in the world is dreams. I'm a hopeless dreamer and I love all fairy-tales. Which is why my heart broke when I heard about Alexander McQueens suicide. He was the perfect ringmaster of his fairy-tale circus and he made me tumble down the rabbit hole more than once. But this fairy-tale has no happy ending, instead it slaps you in the face hard and cold like a concrete floor, not only did he die, he did it on purpose. That's the danger of dreaming, I guess, even though you forget about it, reality is always lurking in the darkness waiting for the opportune moment to strike. But let us forget about that and raise our glasses to one last tumble...

Läs även andra bloggares åsikter om Alexander McQueen, Mode

Läs även andra bloggares åsikter om Alexander McQueen, Mode
Posted by: Din bästis
Posted by: GlamCam
I KNOW, den e grym!