At home, at last
For the first time in a very long time I am starting to feel at home again. All though Stockholm has always been my origo where ever I would go, I haven't been able to make it fit since I moved back. This past weekend has changed all that. This saturday me and a bunch of friends took part in Topp Loppet, a 5 km (or 10 km, if you were feeling cocky) race in beautiful Hagaparken. It was great fun, even though I didn't run as fast as I would have hoped, I had an awesome day and the weather was fantastic. I really love the fall here. Speaking of love, to top it all off I had Mr. B by my side the whole day which totally made my weekend. At night we went to Sanna to celebrate her birthday with loads of homemade cakes. Sanna is quite the pastry chef! And this morning my other favorite chef, Mr. B, made me pancakes for breakfast. After a very satisfying breakfast we went for a slow walk (since I only had my heels from last night with me) over to say hi to his parents before he would leave Stockholm and me behind till next time. Now that B has gone back south I am lying in my cozy bed with lit candles all over the room, watching the last season of Sex and the City, like the true nerd I really am, making myself feel right at home!
